Applied Learning Programme
The Applied Learning Programme, introduced by MOE, exposes students to learning through hands-on experiences and real-world scenarios. At Canberra Primary School, our ALP (Digital Making) aims to develop Canberrians to be future-ready and responsible digital learners by evoking curiosity, developing inventive thinking and fostering a dare-to-try spirit. Through this programme, students appreciate the relevance and value of their academic learning, developing stronger motivation and purpose to acquire knowledge and skills. They engage in hands-on, experiential learning that allows them to apply their knowledge in real-world contexts. It comprises of two stages:
Foundation Stage: Start Young Start It Right - Curating My Learning
Orientation Stage: Orientation to My Future Learning - Ready for Tomorrow
ALP (Digital Making) Journey

Given the changes in the education landscape and shift towards leveraging digital platforms, in 2021, the school has reframed and realigned its ALP objectives as follows:
Foundation Stage: Start Young Start It Right – Curating My Learning
Equip students with Personal Learning Devices (PLDs) as a technology enabler to deliver the school and applied learning outcomes
Provide students with a connected learning experience, enhanced by the integration of ICT using their PLDs in authentic learning settings and by harnessing coding that enables computational thinking for problem solving
Inculcate habits and values of learning with PLDs into our students, thereby developing their 21st Century Competencies and Digital Literacy Skills
Orientation Stage: Orientation to Future Learning – Ready for Tomorrow
Continue students’ technology-enabled applied learning journey with production-centered learning and by leveraging digital media and communication elements to engage and influence
Broaden opportunities for students to discover their interests and talents, develop life skills, a sense of curiosity and a love for learning
Bridge students’ continual learning into secondary school

ALP Key Programmes:
Tier 1
Coding with ScratchJr
Coding with Drones
Coding with Micro:bits
Coding with Robotics
Coding with Sphero
Maker Mania Recess Activity
Tier 2
Game Development with Scratch
Mobile App Development with Swift
Robotics and Artificial Intelligence (AI) with VinciBot and TEMI